Jason is our Technology Education Coordinator
Need help with your electronic device? Have questions about other tech issues? Jason, our Technology Education Coordinator, is happy to meet with you for one-on-one assistance to help with: accessing ebooks; computers; library databases; smartphones; tablets; websites; and more. Additionally, he offers exam invigilation.
1. Tech Help Appointments
By appointment. Call 604-885-3260 or email info@secheltlibrary.ca to make a half-hour appointment.
Mondays 10am-12pm
Wednesday 1pm-3pm
Fridays 10am-12pm
2. Exam Invigilation
By appointment. Call 604-885-3260 or email info@secheltlibrary.ca to arrange for an invigilation.
Thursdays 1pm-4pm
TIP: We recommend the following websites:
digitallearn.org – This free resource includes videos explaining computer topics from how to use a keyboard and mouse to how to search for jobs online. The lessons are built for beginners and those who would like to improve their computer knowledge. Each lesson includes a video and printable resources.
learnfree.org has more than 125 lessons on computer basics, career planning, digital skills, Reading, Math, Photoshop, Microsoft Office, personal finance, and more.